November 2002
1. INTRODUCTION AND CONTACTS .................................................................................... 1-1
2. CFBC TREATMENT EXPERIENCE ..................................................................................... 2-1
2.1 Baie-Comeau Project.................................................................................................... 2-2
2.2 San Diego Trial Burns .................................................................................................. 2-4
2.3 Swanson River Project ................................................................................................. 2-5
2.3 Fullerton Project ........................................................................................................... 2-6
2.4 Stockton Projects .......................................................................................................... 2-7
3. CFBC PROCESS DESCRIPTION....................................................................................... 3-1
3.1 Overview ...................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.2 Combustion Loop ......................................................................................................... 3-6
3.3 Air Induction System.................................................................................................... 3-6
3.4 Auxiliary Fuel System.................................................................................................. 3-7
3.5 Flue Gas Cooling System ............................................................................................. 3-8
3.6 Baghouse Filter System................................................................................................ 3-8
3.7 Flue Gas Monitoring..................................................................................................... 3-9
3.8 Treated Soil Handling System.................................................................................... 3-11
3.9 CFBC Cooling System ............................................................................................... 3-11
3.10 Compressed Air Supply.............................................................................................. 3-12
3.11 Solids Feed System..................................................................................................... 3-12
3.12 Dry scrubbing system................................................................................................. 3-13
3.13 Process Control........................................................................................................... 3-14
3.14 CFBC Quality Control................................................................................................ 3-17
Table 2.1 Baie Comeau Demonstration Test Results ........................................................... 2-2
Table 2.2 Baie Comeau Operating Conditions and stack Gas Composition ........................ 2-3
Table 2.3 San Diego Efficiency for the Various Contaminants Tested................................ 2-4
Table 2.4 Swanson River Demonstration Tests Results....................................................... 2-5
Table 2.5 Swanson River Operating Conditions and Stack Gas Composition..................... 2-5
Table 2.6 Fullerton Operating Conditions............................................................................ 2-6
Table 2.7 Treatment of Soils Contaminated with No.6 Fuel Oil in Stockton....................... 2-7
Table 2.8 Treatment of Soils Contaminated with Napthalene in Stockton .......................... 2-7
Table 3.1 Key Characteristics of Major Equipment Items ................................................... 3-4
Table 3.2 Basic CFBC Design Values.................................................................................. 3-5
Table 3.3 Analyzers and Operating Ranges ....................................................................... 3-10
Table 3.4 Monitors for the HCl extractive subsystem........................................................ 3-10
Table 3.5 CFBC Control System Control Functions* ........................................................ 3-15
Table 3.6 CFBC TSCA Interlocks...................................................................................... 3-16
Figure 3.1 Schematic Configuration of Cintec-Tredi's 36-in. commercial CFBC................. 3-3
Figure 3.2 Isometric representation of Cintec-Treidi's 36-in. commercial CFBC................. 3-4
Appendix 1 Cintec-Tredi's CFBC Unit - Major Equipment List
Cintec-Tredi's Circulating Fluidised Bed Combustor 1-1
The CFBF (Circulating Fluidised Bed Combustor) unit allows thermal destruction of organic
contaminants, such as PCBs, contained in soils, sludges, solid or liquid wastes, with a removal
efficiency exceeding 99.9999%. Trial burns and commercial contracts were performed with this
The CFBC is designed to treat from 500 to 5,000 kg/hr (1,200 to 12,000 lb/hr). It comprises
seven (7) modules that can be easily transported. When assembled, it occupies a surface of 20 x
25 m (65 x 82 ft) and reaches to a height of 18 m (58 ft).
Several spare parts from a second CFBC unit are included (see appendix 2).
Plant job books and training manuals are available. They contain a full description of the system,
technical specifications of the equipment, process diagrams, operations and maintenance
procedures, and a list of supplies for each component.
Upon request, Cintec could provide full technical support and expertise for the assembling and
start-up of the incinerator.
For more information, please contact:
Ghassan Haddad
Project Manager
(514) 364 6860 ext. 427
Cintec-Tredi's Circulating Fluidised Bed Combustor 2-1
In 1996, using the CFBC unit, Cintec-Tredi has succefully completed a PCB remediation project
at Baie Comeau, Québec. The project was conducted under a "Certificat d'autorisation" (C.A.) by
the Ministère de l'Environnement et de la Faune du Québec.
Previously, an American firm, Ogden Environmental Services (OES), used a CFBC unit for a
large remediation project:
• In May 1984, trial burns were conducted in San Diego, California, to destroy various
organic compounds: hexachlorobenzene, trichlorotrifluoroethane (freon 113), carbon
tetrachloride and trichlorobenzene.
• In September 1988, trial burns on PCB contaminated soils were done at Swanson River,
Alaska. In June 1989, the U.S. EPA granted to OGDEN a permit to destroy toxic substances
in the CFBC unit.
• In March 1989, evaluation trial burns were done in Fullerton, California, to treat soils
contaminated with carbon tetrachloride.
• In February and July 1989, two trial burns were done in Stockton, California, to treat soils
contaminated with No. 6 fuel oil and napthtalene.
Cintec-Tredi unit differs from the one used by OES in the use of an improved solids feed system
and a dry scrubber system.
Cintec-Tredi's Circulating Fluidised Bed Combustor 2-2
2.1 Baie-Comeau Project
The project was in operation from September 1996 to February 1997. Following completion of
the thermal treatment, the project site was restored to its original condition and returned to its
owner (Hydro Québec). The project scope included treating the following wastes:
• Liquids ( > 10% PBC): 225 MT
• Liquids ( < 10% PBC): 45 MT
• PCB-contaminated Soils: 2,600 MT
• PCB-contaminated Debris: 80 MT
A dry scrubber was used at Baie-Comeau to treat the very high levels of HCl generated ( about 50
Kg/hr ) from the treatment of highly contaminated PCB-liquids. A propane auxiliary fuel system
was used for start-up and system "idling".
Table 2.1 Baie Comeau Demonstration Test Results
Parameter Federal Limit
@ 11% O2 (dry)
Tests Results(a)
@ 7% O2 (dry)
Stack Emission
Particulate Matter (mg/Nm3) 50 1.5(a)
HCl (mg/Nm3) 75 3(a)
PCB (mg/kgPCB-input) 1.0 0.002
PCDD + PCDF (2,3,7,8-equip, ng/Nm3) 12.0 0.023(a)
Liquid Discharges N/A None are discharged from the
Solid Discharges
PCB (mg/kg) 0.5 < 0.1
PCDD + PCDF (2,3,7,8-equiv, µg/kg) 1.0 0.012
Note "<" denotes none detected, and the figure given is the detection limit. Each datum reported is the average of data
taken from thrice replicated tests.
(a) Dry scrubber operation affected measured results. See the discussion in the text for clarification.
Note, in particular, the very low levels of contamination in the treated solids. This seems to be
typical of the CFBC technology; between the Swanson River and Baie-Comeau projects, more
than 1,500 treated solid samples were analyzed for PCB content. Not a single sample contained
as much as 0.1 mg-PCB/kg.
The test results demonstrate that the Cintec-Tredi CFBC can easily meet the federal emission
limits with respect to emission of PCB, PCDDs and PCDFs, and particulate: Note that Baie-
Comeau emissions are unusually low due to the use of the post-combustion dry scrubber.
Cintec-Tredi's Circulating Fluidised Bed Combustor 2-3
Table 2.2 Baie Comeau Operating Conditions and stack Gas Composition
CFBC Process Conditions
Operating Conditions
Operating Conditions
Residence Time (sec) 1.68
Combustor Temperature (°C) 943
Soil Feed Rate (kg/hr) 2,936
PCB Feed Rate (kg/hr) 88.5(b)
Limestone Feed Rate (kg/hr)
Flue Gas O2 (%-wet) 10.1
Stack Gas Composition
CO (mg/Nm3) 21
CO2 (%) 5.7
NO3 (mg-NO/Nm3) 81
SO2 (mg/Nm3) 2
(b) PCB were fed as liquids. The soil contained negligible quantities of PCB.
Cintec-Tredi's Circulating Fluidised Bed Combustor 2-4
2.2 San Diego Trial Burns
In 1984, trial burns were conducted in San Diego on liquids contaminated with
hexachlorobenzene, trichlorotrifluoroethane (freon 113), carbon tetrachloride, and
trichlorobenzene. These tests were supervised by California State authorities. It was concluded
that the unit can achieve required destruction efficiencies and that it represents a potential
technology for the destruction of contaminated wastes.
Table 2.3 San Diego Efficiency for the Various Contaminants Tested.
Destruction Efficiency
Sampling time 09:15 09:15 14:39 14:39 19:50 19:55 23:18 23:24 07:07
Average combustion
temperature (°F)
1425 1425 1550 1595 1450 1450 1550 1330 1300
Fuel flowrate 55 55 70 69 59 58 72 74 74
Toluene 98.55 98.63 96.36 97.00 91.05 93.41 97.39 96.92 99.78
Hexachlorobenzene 99.9996 99.9994 99.9999 99.9999 >99.999 >99.9999 99.9999 99.9999 99.9929
Ethybenzene 99.9985 99.9993 99.9990 99.9992 99.9968 99.9974 99.9992 99.9991 99.9993
Xylene 99.9988 99.9994 99.9983 99.9989 99.9921 99.9938 99.9978 99.9973 99.9996
Trichlorobenzene 99.973 99.970 99.982 99.985 99.946 99.974 99.984 99.982 99.999
Cintec-Tredi's Circulating Fluidised Bed Combustor 2-5
2.3 Swanson River Project
In September 1988, trial burns on PCB contaminated soils were done at Swanson River, Alaska.
This project, conducted under operating permits issued by the USEPA and the Alaska Department
of Environmental Conservation (ADEC), ran from 1988 to 1992. It involved treating more than
100,000 MT of contaminated soil and approximately 3,000 m3 of contaminated debris and
secondary waste (e.g., oversized rocks, PPE, ect.). The demonstration testing requires for the
USEPA and AEDC operating permits was conducted in September 1988. The resulting TSCA
permit allowed soil treatment rates of 3,990 kg/hr at 870°C and 4,116 kg/h at 940°C.
Table 2.4 Swanson River Demonstration Tests Results
Parameter Federal Limit
@ 11% O2 (dry)
Tests Results
@ 7% O2 (dry)
Series 1 Series 2
Stack Emission
Particulate Matter (mg/Nm3) 50 18 43
HCl (mg/Nm3) 75 195 194
PCB (mg/kgPCB-input) 1.0 < 1 < 0.8
PCDD + PCDF (2,3,7,8-equip, ng/Nm3) 12.0 < 3 < 2
Liquid Discharges N/A None are discharged from the
Solid Discharges
PCB (mg/kg) 0.5 < 0.009 < 0.012
PCDD + PCDF (2,3,7,8-equiv, µg/kg) 1.0 < 0.17 <0.2
Table 2.5 Swanson River Operating Conditions and Stack Gas Composition
Operating Conditions
Operating Conditions Series 1 Series 2
Residence Time (sec) 1.68 1.50
Combustor Temperature (°C) 871 927
Soil Feed Rate (kg/hr) 3,840 4,116
PCB Feed Rate (kg/hr) 2.2(a) 2,16(a)
Limestone Feed Rate (kg/hr) 77 77
Flue Gas O2 (%-wet) 5.0 4.2
Stack Gas Composition
CO (mg/Nm3) 17 13
CO2 (%) 8.7 8.9
NO3 (mg-NO/Nm3) 116 118
SO2 (mg/Nm3) 40 66
(a) PCB fed to the CFBC were from the contamination in the soil (about 600 ppm).
Cintec-Tredi's Circulating Fluidised Bed Combustor 2-6
2.3 Fullerton Project
Through its "Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation Program", U.S. EPA had selected the
CFBC unit in 1986 to conduct demonstration trials for treating contaminated soils extracted from
the "McColl" site in Fullerton, California. The trials were completed in March 1989, and lasted
31 h over four days.
During the trial burns, contaminated soils from the McColl site, as well as soils contaminated
with carbon tetrachloride, were successfully treated.
Treated soils and combustion gases were sampled and analyzed by the U.S. EPA which
concluded that the trial burns were successful.
Table 2.6 Fullerton Operating Conditions
Operating Conditions
Test 1 Test 2 Test 3
Combustion temperature (°F) 1721 1726 1709
Residence time, s 1.54 1.52 1.55
Soils federate, lb/h 325 170 197
Carbon tetrachloride, lb/h 0 0 0.22
Oxygen, % dry basis 11.0 9.9 11.8
CO, ppm 30 30 26
Total hydrocarbon, ppm 5 1 2
SO2 neutralization capacity, % >95% >95% >95%
NO2, ppm 49 58 48
CO2, % dry basis 9.9 11.9 9.2
HCl emission, lb/h <0.0090 <0.0085 <0.0098
Particulate matter, gr/dscf at 7% O2 0.0041 0.0044 0.0035
Combustion efficiency, % 99.97 99.97 99.97
Destruction and removal efficiency, % - - 99.9937
Treatment of Soils Contaminated with No. 6 Fuel Oil and Trial Burns of Soils Contaminated with
Cintec-Tredi's Circulating Fluidised Bed Combustor 2-7
2.4 Stockton Projects
Two separate projects were undertaken in Stockton, California in 1989.
The first involved treating 11,000 tonnes of soils contaminated with No. 6 fuel oil from February
to June 1989. All the treated soils were analyzed before being returned to the same site. When
the project was terminated, the site had reclaimed its original state and was declared acceptable
without restrictions.
Table 2.7 Treatment of Soils Contaminated with No.6 Fuel Oil in Stockton
Parameter Operating Conditions
Test 1 Test 2 Test 3
Combustion temperature (°F) 1588 1588 1587
Residence time, s 1.8 1.8 1.8
Soils federate, lb/h 4000 4000 4000
Soil hydrocarbon concentration, ppm 2130 1160 3450
Oxygen, % dry basis 13.6 13.6 13.6
CO, ppm at 7% O2 28.0 25.4 23.6
Hydrocarbon emissions, ppm at 7% O2 < 2 < 2 < 2
SO2, lb/day 16.6 12.0 24.2
SO2, ppm at 7% O2 84 61 123
NOx, lb/day 7.4 7.3 6.7
NO2, ppm at 7% O2 52 52 47
CO2, % dry basis 7.0 6.6 6.9
Particulate matter, gr/dscf at 7% O2 0.045 0.046 0.045
Combustion efficiency, % 99.989 99.990 99.990
In July 1989, a test burn was conducted in the same unit on soils contaminated with naphthalene.
The results showed that the CFBC unit can reach destruction efficiencies higher than all the limits
set by the U.S. EPA and local authorities.
Table 2.8 Treatment of Soils Contaminated with Napthalene in Stockton
Parameters Operating Conditions
Test 1 Test 2 Test 3
Naphthalene concentration, ppm 4314 4730 4106
Destruction and removal efficiency, % >99.9960 >99.99956 >99.9958
Cintec-Tredi's Circulating Fluidised Bed Combustor 3-1
3.1 Overview
The CFBC technology (Circulating Fluidised Bed Combustor) is an advanced generation of
incineration technology that uses high velocity air to entrain circulating solids in a highly
turbulent combustion loop. Initially developed in Finland during the 1960s for the production of
energy from low rank fuels, CFBC technology has been successfully adapted for the incineration
of a variety of organic wastes and residues.
The success of this technology is based on the fact that combustion takes place uniformly under
very high turbulence and that contaminated wastes in solid, liquid, semi-liquid and/or gas states
can all be simultaneously treated. This turbulence ensures excellent mixing and gas-solid contact.
Each particle is heated and subjected to uniform temperatures and oxygen levels. High boiling
points organics (such as Aroclor 1260) rapidly vaporize from the soil matrix and are fully
oxidized. This behavior is independent of soil properties and/or grain size. CFBC technology
results in the efficient oxidation of organic wastes at temperatures lower than those of other
incineration processes without high temperature post-combustion like conventional processes.
Other significant advantages include:
• Reduced NO3 emissions due to the lower operating temperature (870 vs. 1200°C); no risks
of slagging in a post-combustion chamber;
• Possibility of injecting limestone (CaCO3) into the bed for the in situ capture of sulphur
and/or chlorine for low levels of contamination, thus eliminating the use of a scrubber;
• No risk of toxic gas fugitive emissions because there are no rotary seals. The system is air
• Safety in case of power failure: no toxic emissions are generated, since the waste feed is
stopped and all previously fed wastes have already been oxidized. The system can be
restarted in a matter of minutes. There is NO "Thermal Relief Valve".
• Over the last 15 years, CFBC technology has been tested and operated successfully for the
treatment of soils contaminated with No. 6 fuel oil, naphthalene, PCB at low and high
concentrations (in commercial-scale equipment), and a variety of refractory organochloride
compounds such as Freon 113, chlorobenzenes, and carbon tetrachloride (in pilot-scale
A schematic configuration of Cintec-Tredi's 36-in, commercial CFBC is show in Figure 3.1.
Solid waste of appropriate size (0-20 mm, or 0 – ¾ in.) is introduced into the combustor loop at
the loop seal where it contacts the hot circulating solids stream exiting the hot cyclone. Gas,
liquids and sludge are injected directly into the lower section of the CFBC via injection lances.
Circulating solids are then entrained in the combustor chamber of high velocity air (> 6 m/sec).
Cintec-Tredi's Circulating Fluidised Bed Combustor 3-2
• 6 – 12 mm (1/4 – 1/2) in.) particles bubble at the bottom of the bed until they are removed
from the CFBC by means of a water-cooled solids removal system. Solids in this size range
have a residence time in the combustor of approximately an hour;
• 50 µm – 6 mm (1/500 – ¼ in.) particles are circulated until they are either removed with the
larger particles or attrited to fines. These solids have a combustor residence time of ten's of
• Particles less than 50 µm (< 1/500 in.) escape the cyclone with the hot flue gas, are cooled
to baghouse temperatures, collected in a fabric filter turn-baghouse, and conveyed to the
solids removal system. They have a residence time in the combustion loop of a few
The CFBC is comprised of seven modules within a metal structure containing process equipment.
All modules are designed so they can be easily transported on roads and public highways.
Assembled, the CFBC unit has a foot print area of 20 x 25 m (65 ft x 82 ft). The stack elevation
is 18-m high (59 ft). Figure 3.2 is an isometric representation of the unit.
The principal CFBC components include a combustion loop (combustion chamber, loop seal, and
cyclone), a flue gas cooler, and a baghouse for the base case and a stack. Characteristics of some
of the major system components are described in Table 3.1. Design parameters for the CFBC
system are given in Table 3.2.
For descriptive convenience, the CFBC is divided into systems a number of system, which are
described on the following pages.
Cintec-Tredi's Circulating Fluidised Bed Combustor 3-3
Figure 3.1 Schematic Configuration of Cintec-Tredi's 36-in. commercial CFBC
Cintec-Tredi's Circulating Fluidised Bed Combustor 3-4
Figure 3.2 Isometric representation of Cintec-Tredi's 36-in. commercial CFBC
Cintec-Tredi's Circulating Fluidised Bed Combustor 3-5
Table 3.1 Key Characteristics of Major Equipment Items
System Feature
Capacity or Size
Projected TTU system operating factor 85% (7,500 hr/year)(a)
Combustor Material of Construction Carbon-steel vessel internally lined with 13" (34
cm) of insulating and abrasion-resistant refractory
Combustor Internal Dimensions diameter: 36 inches (0.91 mm)
height: 35 feet (10.7 m)
Maximum thermal duty 10 MM Btu/hr (2930 kJ/sec)
Maximum feed system capacity 5,500 kg/hr
Feed screen equipment size 6-ft x 12-ft, with 2 cm screen
Burner capacity Startup burner: 9 MMBtu/hr (2630 kJ/sec)
Fuel lances: 12 MMBtu/hr (3500 kJ/sec)
Baghouse air to cloth ratio 1.5:1
Maximum capacity (each baghouse) 7,700 m3/hr
Condenser/Carbon column not applicable
ID fan specifications Suction: 55 in-wg
Flow: 9,300 m3/hr at 175°C
Power: 150 hp
Treated Soil Handling capacity 5,500 kg/hr
Liquid storage capacity coolant tank: 3,785 I
Liquid generation rate no liquids are generated(b) and thus no wastewater
treatment is required
(a) Greater than 90% on-line at full throughput was routinely demonstrated during the Swanson River project.
(b) The CFBC requires no makeup water – its cooling is self-contained and no quench water is required for flue gas
Table 3.2 Basic CFBC Design Values
Minimum Nominal Maximum
Combustion Temperature (°C) 780 870 1050
Reference Feed stocks Clay or silt with up to 25% moisture
Sand with up to 15% moisture
Gravel with up to 8% moisture
Residence Time (sec) 1.40 1.70 2.30
Air Preheat (°C) 350
Baghouse inlet temperature (°C) 120 175 260
Auxiliary Fuel Natural gas, Propane, or fuel oil
Soil Throughput (kg/hr) 500 4,500 6,000
Stack Particulate (mg/Nm3) - - < 25
Structure Modularized for ease of transportation and
site installation
Process water requirements No process water is required
Ambient design temperature (°C) -40 - 45
Wind speed (km/hr) - - 175
Seismic Category - 3 -
Relative humidity 0 - 100
Cintec-Tredi's Circulating Fluidised Bed Combustor 3-6
3.2 Combustion Loop
The destruction of the hazardous organic constituents within the waste feed takes place in the
combustion loop. The combustion loop consists of the components listed below:
• Combustion Chamber
• Cyclone
• Loop Seal
• Expansion Joint
• Air Distributor Plate
• Refractory lining
The combustion chamber consists of a carbon steel vessel to contain the combustion of the
hazardous materials. The cyclone removes particulate from the combustor flue gas and returns
them to the combustion chamber via the loop seal. The loop seal prevents backflow of
combustion gases into the bottom of the cyclone. All of these components refractory lined,
protecting the combustion loop vessel from abrasion and high temperatures. Vessel surface
temperatures are typically maintained less than 60°C.
The distributor plant evenly distributes air across the combustion chamber base and prevents
treated solids from entering the windbox below. The expansion joint prevents thermal expansion
from damaging the carbon steel combustion loop or its supports.
Fuel, limestone, and solid waste are individually metered into the combustion loop through a 12-
in (30 cm) rotary valve in accordance with predetermined feed rates. The rotary valve provides
the pressure boundary. The solid feed and limestone are gravity fed into the loop seal where they
mix with the recirculating bed solids and flow back into the combustion chamber. Fuel oil is
introduced into the combustion loop through fuel lances. The limestone absorbs acid gases, with
the nonhazardous neutralized salts being removed with the treated solids.
Coarse treated solids are removed from the base of the combustion chamber via a water-cooled,
variable speed, ash1 cooler. Fine treated solids escape the cyclone and exit the combustion loop.
They are cooled and then filtered through fabric filters and mixed with the treated solids
discharged from the ash cooler.
The combustion loop is equipped with secondary air ports, which allow a portion of the
combustion air to be introduced above the base of the combustor. This allows for staged
combustion and reduced levels of NO3 formation. The combustion loop is instrumented with
redundant temperature and pressure instrumentation, which allows reliable operation even in the
event of instrument failure.
3.3 Air Induction System
The air induction system provides air for fluidization, combustion, loop seal purges, and cooling
of the flue gas. In addition, the system provides a means of controlling the combustion loop
1 The product is treated solids, not ash. However, the terminology, taken from the power generation
industry, seems to persist.
Cintec-Tredi's Circulating Fluidised Bed Combustor 3-7
pressure balance, allowing the system to be operated slightly sub-atmospheric. The flue gas is
returned to the atmosphere via the stack.
Atmospheric air is introduced into the system from the 50 HP FD fan. The air is divided into two
paths: startup burner air, which does not pass through the FGC air preheat system and
combustion air, which is preheated to 350°C. Upon exiting the preheater, the combustion air is
split into primary and secondary air. The primary air flows to the distributor through air injection
nozzles and then into the base of the combustion chamber. Secondary air can be injected at
several levels above the primary combustion zone to minimize NO3 formation.
Loop seal purge air is supplied by a dedicated 7 psig, 10 hp compressor. These purges are backed
up by (1) combustion air from the FD fan and (2) emergency purge air from the compressed air
Clean flue gas discharged from the baghouse filter system flows to the 150 HP ID fan through a
flow control damper. The position of this damper is controlled to maintain the system pressure
balance so that the solids feed port in the combustion loop is always slightly sub-atmospheric.
From the discharge of the ID fan, the flue gases flow to the stack, where they are sampled for gas
analysis and discharged to the atmosphere. The stack is equipped with sampling ports for
conducting any required sampling.
3.4 Auxiliary Fuel System
The auxiliary fuel system has three functions: (1) to heat the combustion loop from ambient
temperature to operating temperatures on a 40-60°C#hr temperature ramp. (2) to provide
supplemental fuel to maintaining combustion loop temperatures during waste treatment, and (3)
to maintain the combustion loop at operating temperatures while idling.
To accomplish these functions, the auxiliary fuel system consists of the following subsystems: a
startup burner, a set of fuel lances, and independent fuel supply train supplying each system.
Startup Burner Subsystem
The startup burner is a air atomized fuel oil burner located in a dedicated process penetration in
the combustion loop about 1.5 m above the distributor. It provides the combustion heat necessary
to raise the combustion loop temperatures to a point where the fuel will burn directly in the
fluidised bed. The burner is capable of 10:1 turndown to provide uniform and controlled heating
of the combustion loop. During heat-up, the startup burner provides most of the system fluidizing
When not in use, the burner may be withdrawn from the combustion chamber to minimize
damage from the fluidised bed.
Fuel Lance Subsystem
The fuel lance subsystem consists of (1) redundant gas lances co-located with secondary air ports.
The lances may be operated together or individually depending on process requirements. Both
the lances are purged with air when not in use to prevent plugging.
Cintec-Tredi's Circulating Fluidised Bed Combustor 3-8
Fuel Supply Trains
The startup burner and the lance/distributor subsystems are supplied via separate NFPA-approved
gas trains. The fuel supply trains are equipped with the following features:
variable-speed fuel pumps
fuel flow rate measurement
fuel safety shutoff systems (pressure switches, position switches, and in, in the case of the startup
burner, UV flame detection)
diagnostic instrumentation
3.5 Flue Gas Cooling System
The principal function of the FGC (Flue Gas Cooler) is to reduce the flue gas temperature from
the cyclone exit temperature (up to 1050°C) to temperatures acceptable to the downstream
components (baghouses and ID fan). The FGC consists of a three-section heat exchanger, crossduct
connected the cyclone outlet to the FGC inlet, an inlet expansion joint, and a fines discharge
subsystem. The FGC is operated at a sub-atmospheric pressure so that any leakage of either
ambient air or coolant is into the flue gas.
FGC Heat Exchanger
The heat exchanger consists of three sections. The first section is a water-cooled section which
functions to reduce the flue gas temperature sufficiently to eliminate the necessity of using hightemperature
metals in subsequent sections. The second section is an air-cooled section which
preheats the combustion air to about 350°C. The third stage of the FGC is air-cooled heat
exchanger which controls the FGC flue gas outlet temperature. The cooling air blower is capable
of sufficient turndown to provide a constant FGC outlet temperatures despite widely varying heat
loads in the flue gas (due to the varying fines content of the flue gas). All heat transfer section
are equipped with soot blowers to remove any fines which accumulate on the heat transfer
surfaces. The soot blowers are operated intermittently by a local timer.
Cross Duct
The cross duct connects the CFBC cyclone outlet to the FGC inlet. It is refractory lined and
contains an expansion joint to prevent damage from thermal strains.
Fines Collection and Discharge
The fines hopper at the base of the FGC collects fines that have separated from the flue gas. The
fines are discharged from the FGC through a conventional rotary valve air-lock and are mixed
with the combustor discharge solids.
3.6 Baghouse Filter System
The flue gas particulate exiting the CFBC cyclone is filtered from the flue gas stream using highefficiency
fabric filters. The baghouse filter system receives the cooled, particulate-laden flue gas
from the heat exchanger, filters it to remove entrained fine particulate and releases it to the ID
Cintec-Tredi's Circulating Fluidised Bed Combustor 3-9
fan. The separated fines are conveyed through a rotary valve pressure lock and discharged to the
treated solids handling system. The baghouses normally operate at 175 - 200°C but are able to
tolerate excursions of up to 260°C for up to 1 hour. The flue gas exiting the baghouse system
meets all federal, state, and local emissions requirements regarding particulate content.
The baghouse contains 72 fabric filter bags. The baghouse is divided into 4 quadrants, with 18
bags in each quadrant. Each quadrant has its own flue gas discharge plenum but all share a
common ash hopper.
Cleaning is accomplished by pulsing a reverse flow of high-pressure air through a venturi nozzle
into a portion of bags. The baghouse filter cleaning is controlled by the measured filter
differential pressure, with a cleaning cycle initiated when the filter DP exceeds 6 in-wg. The
baghouse filter system is protected from damage by control system interlocks which terminate
CFBC operation whenever the baghouse filter DP is too high (indicated plugged filters), too low
(indicating a broken filter) and when the flue gas inlet temperature is too high.
Fines removed from the baghouse filters are collected in a heat-traced (to prevent moisture
condensation) fines hopper and discharged to the solids handling system through a conventional
rotary valve air-lock.
3.7 Flue Gas Monitoring
The thermal treatment system is equipped with (1) an in-situ oxygen monitor and (2) an
extractive system supplied by Beckman measuring O2, CO, CO2, and total hydrocarbons (THC)
and (3) a second extractive system for measuring HCl and H2O. The in-situ oxygen monitor is
used for both process control and for a waste feed interlock. The extractive systems are used for
monitoring and interlock generation.
In-situ Oxygen Monitor
The O2 probe is a solid state, high-temperature oxygen detector. The plant is designed with two
alternate probe locations – in the FGC immediately after the water-cooled section and in the flue
gas ducting at the discharge of the FGC. For this project, the probe will be located in the FGC.
This provides the most rapid response to changing the gas oxygen levels.
The O2 probe is a highly reliable device with no moving parts. Located in the FGC, it has a
typical response time (to 90%) of about 20 seconds. The CFBC control system uses the O2 probe
signal to control the solids feed rate.
Extractive Analysis – Beckman
The extractive flue gas analysis system consists of (1) an extraction subsystem, (2) a sample gas
conditioning subsystem, and (3) flue gas analysis.
The sample gas extraction system consists of an in-stack sintered-metal filter, an electricallyheated
sample hose and a double-diaphragm sample gas pump. The sample pump provides the
suction to pump 15-30 Ipm of flue gas through the in-stack sintered-metal filter and down the
heated sample hose. A condenser (part of the gas conditioning subsystem) is located immediately
upstream of the sample pump to remove some of the moisture in the flue gas sample.
Cintec-Tredi's Circulating Fluidised Bed Combustor 3-10
The sample extraction system is equipped with a "blowback" feature which injects 30 psig air
into the heated sample line to clean the fines off of the stack sintered-metal filter. It is operated
by a "sample blowback" push-button on the analyzer system control panel.
The sample extraction system is also plumbed so that calibration gas, which is normally
introduced directly to the analyzers, can be introduced at the inlet end of the heated sample hose.
This feature is controlled by a two-way valve located between the inlet end of the heated sample
hose and the in-stack sintered-metal filter. It is used to check the mechanical integrity of the
The gas conditioning subsystem consists of (1) condensers to remove moisture in the sample gas,
(2) a coalescing filter to remove condensed water droplets, (3) filtration to remove particulate in
the gas, and (4) conditioned sample gas pressure control.
The analyzer subsystem contains six gas analyzers supplied by Beckman Industrial. These
analyzers and their normal operating ranges are given below:
Table 3.3 Analyzers and Operating Ranges
CFBC P&ID Tag No. Beckman Model
Gas Component Operating
AT-0704 755 O2 0 – 25%
AT-0706 864 CO2 0 – 25%
AT-0703 865 CO 0 – 250 ppmv
AT-0705 400A THC 0 – 100 ppmv
AT-0701 951 NO3 0 – 250 ppmv
AT-0707 864 SO2 0 – 250 ppmv
The "shaded" analyzers are not contained in the proposed system but can be provided if desired.
The DCS uses the CO and CO2 monitor signal to calculate the "combustion efficiency", which
TSCA defines as CO2 / (CO + CO2). In the DCS, the combustion efficiency value is identified as
Extractive System – HCl
The HCl extractive system uses a dedicated high-temperature (> 180°C) extraction system to
remove a sample of the stack gas. The sample is filtered in a in-situ sintered metal filter to
remove particulate. The hot sample stream is passed through the HCl and then through the H2O
analyzers. Note that the H2O analyzer signal is necessary in order to calculate (in the DCS) the
HCl signal on a dry basis. This subsystem was supplied by Servomex and uses the following
Table 3.4 Monitors for the HCl extractive subsystem
CFBC P&ID Tag No. Model Number Gas Component Operating Range
AT-070 2510 HCl 0-100 ppmv
AT-0708 2500 H2O 0-20 %(v)
Cintec-Tredi's Circulating Fluidised Bed Combustor 3-11
The DCS uses the HCl and H2O monitor signals to calculate a corrected HCl "dry" reading. The
corrected HCl value is defined as AT-0709 in the DCS.
3.8 Treated Soil Handling System
The Treated Soil Handling System consists of the following components:
• the bed ash knifegate valve (XV-1001), and
• water-cooled twin screw solids cooler/conveyor (H-1001),
• the two sequential fines conveyors (H-1004 and H-1005),
• the solids bucket elevator (H-1006),
• the treated solids storage building, and
• related piping and valving.
Hot treated solids are delivered to the solids cooler/conveyor (ACC) from the base of the
combustor through the knifegate stufoff valve XV-1001. The ACC is a variable-speed, watercooled
screw conveyor. Its speed is used to control the rate of solids discharge from the CFBC.
The bed ash is conveyed to the first fines conveyor and at the same time cooled to less than
150°C. Fines from the FGC enters the discharge end of the ACC. The first fines conveyor
moves the cooled bed ash along with the fines from the flue gas cooler and from the baghouse to
the second fines conveyor, which is identical to the first. Finally the treated solids are discharged
to the ash bucket elevator and conveyed to the treated solids storage building. Treated solids
samples can be taken from the process at the inlet to the bucket elevator.
Upon entering the solids storage building, the treated soil is re-humidified using a water mist.
The water flow rates to this misting system are adjusted to re-humidify the solids on 7-10%
moisture. This moisture content has been found to be nearly ideal for subsequent backfilling and
compacting of the treated soils. The misting water flow rate will be adjusted to provide rehumidified
solids with acceptable compaction properties.
The solids removal system has a design capacity of 5.5 MT/hr., limited by the thermal capacity of
the solids cooler/conveyor. The system can be operated at throughputs as high as 9 MT/hr for
limited periods of time without damage. Operation of the solids removal system is interlocked to
(1) prevent operation of any conveyor unless all downstream conveyors are properly operating
(via zero-speed switches), and (2) prevent operation of the ACC unless coolant flows are
All conveyors are completely enclosed to control fugitive emissions of dust. In addition, the
second ash conveyor (H-1005) is equipped with a sampling port to allow the collection of a grab
sample of treated soil. In normal operation, treated soil samples are collected every 6 hours and
3.9 CFBC Cooling System
The CFBC uses a water-glycol mixture to provide cooling for (1) the first stage of the FGC and
(2) the solids cooler/conveyor. Coolant flow is provided by redundant 60 psig, 750 lpm, 15 hp
coolant pumps. Heat removed from the CFBC systems is discharged to the atmosphere via fin-
Cintec-Tredi's Circulating Fluidised Bed Combustor 3-12
fan cooler. The system is completely closed, with the coolant being stored in a 1000-gal coolant
surge tank.
The cooling system is instrumented with pressure, flow and temperature instrumentation to
provide both diagnostic information concerning proper system functioning and interlock signals
to protect components from over-temperatures.
3.10 Compressed Air Supply
Compressed air for both process and instrument uses is provided by a dedicated 500 m3/hr, 150
psig, 100 hp air compressor. All of the compressed air is oil-free and dried to -40°C to minimize
potential problems with moisture condensation during winter operation. The system is
instrumented with pressure switches to provide alarms and interlocks in the event of malfunction.
Instrument air is regulated to 90 psig and is stored in a 40 m3 receiver. This air is used to power
plant pneumatic instrumentation. In the event of compressor failure, the receiver has storage
capacity to maintain plant control for about 90 minutes. The instrument air pressure is
interlocked, causing a plant shutdown if there is inadequate instrument air pressure.
Process air is used throughout the CFBC for purging. It is also used to power the FGC soot
blowers and the baghouse filter blowbacks.
3.11 Solids Feed System
The solids feed system consists of subsystems of variable-speed feeders for metering the PCBcontaminated
soils, metering limestone, and shredded debris solids. The three feed streams are
combined and conveyed to the CFBC. It also provides a pressure seal at the CFBC (to prevent
inleakage of air or outleakage of combustion gases). The soils feeding system is identical to that
used for OES's Stockton project and consists of the following components:
• A mass-flow wet soil feed hopper (T-0250), with a 17.4 yd3 storage capacity;
• A variable-speed belt feeder (H-0251) and a Delumper (H-0252), designed to make uniform
the discharge of the wet soil from the end of the belt;
• A waste weigh belt (H-0253), equipped with a 0-5,000 kg/hr load cell and belt scrapers, to
accurately monitor the waste feed rate;
• An elevating bed conveyor (H-0254), equipped with belt scraper, to elevate the feed to the
level of the CFBC feed port; and
• A sealing screw (H-0255), which conveys the wet soil into the CFBC while providing a
pressure seal isolating the feed system from the CFBC combustion gases.
In normal operation, the weigh belt signal is used to control the belt feeder speed in closed loop,
the feed rate setpoint being determined by process requirements.
The limestone feed system consists of:
Cintec-Tredi's Circulating Fluidised Bed Combustor 3-13
• a 35-ton limestone storage silo (T-0202), which is equipped with a bid activator, and is
loaded pneumatically by a limestone delivery truck;
• a variable-speed 0-200 lb/hr limestone feeder (T-0204) discharging onto a limestone screw
conveyor (H-0202), which discharges the limestone unto the debris conveyor (H-0262).
The Debris Feeder consists of:
• A mass-flow debris feed hopper (T-0260)
• a variable-speed belt feeder (H-0261), which discharges to
• a 15-m long belt conveyor which conveys the debris (and the limestone) to waste weigh belt
3.12 Dry scrubbing system
The system is conceived in a modular fashion to facilitate erection and dismantling. It consists
• a filter module 3 x m 15 m tall comprising two filters or baghouses combined in one
common casing with a dividing wall;
• a 3 660 mm diameter silo 15 m tall (35 ton capacity) for storage of hydrated lime;
• a pipe module comprising two (2) reactors and piping between the first filter and the second
reactor and between the second filter and induced draft fan. This module measures 1.2 m x
3.2 m x 15 m.
The whole installation requires a 9 x 7 m footprint.
To enable the treatment of high levels of acidity in combustion gases, the scrubber system
comprises two (2) treatment stages.
Each stage has:
• a venturi reactor with ascending flow,
• a filter system or baghouse.
The filtered gases cooled to 140°C are directed by a 406 mm diameter pipe to the first stage of the
scrubber system. The gases then travel through the two (2) dry scrubbing stages connected in
The treated gases exiting the second scrubbing stage are drawn up by a 40 HP induced draft fan.
A modulating shutter at the entry of the fan insures a constant negative pressure of an equivalent
15 m water head on the connecting pipe between the CFBC and the scrubbing system.
The induced draft fan pumps the gases to the atmosphere via a 457 mm diameter x 18.3 m tall
exhaust stack.
Cintec-Tredi's Circulating Fluidised Bed Combustor 3-14
The cone on the top of the silo has two exits that connect to variable speed feeders for each
Salts precipitating from the reaction between the gases and the hydrated line, as well as excess
line, captures in each filter are recirculated in each reactor by a rotary valve to minimize hydrated
lime consumption. A second rotary valve under the hopper enables the residues to be emptied in
a container located under the baghouse module.
Activated carbon can be injected in the second reactor or scrubbing stage, if required. This
additional system permits the adsorption of eventual traces of dioxin-furans.
The scrubbing system includes instrumentation that insures regulation and protection of the
system. These instruments are connected to a programmable control system including a screen.
This control system is connected to the central control system for the CFBC to link the scrubbing
system to the incineration process.
3.13 Process Control
The thermal treatment system is controlled by (1) an Allen-Bradley PLC system for motor control
and (2) a Rosemount System 3 distributed control system (DCS) for analog process control. The
DCS also provides (1) the operator interface, (2) interlock control, (3) alarming, and (4) data
acquisition, logging and alarming. The control elements interfacing with the DCS are
summarized in Table 3.5.
The DCS is equipped with a sophisticated self-monitoring capability which essentially eliminates
unexpected failures. Should a failure occur, the plant is automatically (and safely) shut down. In
35,000 hours of operation at Swanson River, 0.6 hour of production was lost due to DCS failures.
• Interlocks, Waste Feed Cutoff and Transient Response
• The CFBC interlock system has two functions:
• to protect the equipment from damage due to either component failure or operator error, and
• to prevent treatment of PCB-contaminated wastes unless the appropriate process conditions
are satisfied.
Cintec-Tredi's Circulating Fluidised Bed Combustor 3-15
Table 3.5 CFBC Control System Control Functions*
Process Parameters
Parameters Alarmed,
Displayed & Recorded
Interlock System Inputs
Combustion Air Flowrates FD Fan Pressure and
Combustion Loop
Temperatures (HIGH/LOW)
Combustion Air Preheat
ID Fan suction Combustion Loop DPs
Baghouse Inlet Temperature Combustor Temperatures (11) Combustion Air Flow
Combustion Loop Operating
Combustor Pressures Baghouse Temperature
Startup Burner Fuel Flowrate FGC (flue gas side) – Temps &
Baghouse DP (HIGH)
Lance/Distributor FGC coolant temperatures Flue Gas Oxygen (LOW)
Waste Feed Rate Air Preheater Temperatures Flue Gas CO (HIGH)
Combustor Bed Inventory Solid Cooler/Conveyor coolant
Flue Gas HCl (HIGH)
Flue Gas Oxygen Level Baghouse Temperature and DP Combustion Efficiency
Flue Gas Composition (O2, CO2,
CO, etc.)
Coolant temperatures
Compressed Air Pressures
Residence Time (LOW)
Any Motor Failure
*The CFBC combustion loop residence time is calculated from the measured process flows entering the combustion
loop. These include combustion air and fuel flows and moisture feed (from the measured waste feed rate) and CO2
generated by the limestone feed. These flows are corrected for CFBC operating temperature and pressure and used to
calculate a residence time. Since the combustion loop is leak-tight, this calculational procedure yields an accurate
measure of the residence time.
The system logic is organized to maximize the throughput of the facility. That is, the control
system response to a process fault or out-of-range condition is to minimize the frequency of
system shutdowns. In order of preference, the protection system will:
• Terminate waste feed rate, holding combustion loop temperatures constant
• Terminate auxiliary fuel flow rate, and finally
• Terminate all system operation
The PCB-waste interlocks proposed for use in this project are listed in Table 3.6. Except for the
stack HCl interlock, these interlocks are identical to those required by the TSCA permit used at
Swanson River. Note that many of the interlock values have time delays or averages included.
The intent is to allow the control system or the CFBC operators time to respond to process
transients without adversely impacting the environment.
The interlock logic is designed to avoid "single-point" thermocouple failures from initiating
interlock response. (Combustion loop thermocouples are subjected to significant erosion
problems and thermocouple failure indicates as an out-of-range temperature. Since the
Cintec-Tredi's Circulating Fluidised Bed Combustor 3-16
thermowell-thermocouple assemblies can be replaced without shutting the facility down, the
objective is to stay at operating temperatures while repairs are effected.) Single-point failure is
eliminated by requiring multiple thermocouples to be simultaneously out-of-range for an
interlock to be activated.
Note that by a combination of intrinsic CFBC properties and control system configuration, even
upon loss of electrical power the CFBC "fails-safe". Upon loss of power (or, for that matter,
failure of either the CFBC FD or ID fan), the following automatically and instantly occurs:
• all waste feeding and feed conveyors STOP
• all fuel flows STOPS
• all blowers STOP
• all flow control valves except the ID fan damper CLOSE
• the ID fan damper fails "as-is", which allows
• the ID fan to maintain system suction as it coasts down (being larger than the FD fan, it
remains in motion longer)
Table 3.6 CFBC TSCA Interlocks
Tag (6)
Description Setpoint
TIC-0600 Fuel Feedrate Monitor DB(a) > 50°C, with 60-sec delay
WIC-0201 Waste Feedrate Monitor DB > 500 kg/hr, qh with 60-sec delay
PDIC0429 Combustor Inventory Monitor DB > 5 in-wg, with 60-sec delay
FIC-0100 Total Combustion Air Monitor DB > 150 Nm3/hr, with 60-sec delay
PIC-0407 Combustion Loop Pressure
DB > 2 in-wg with 60-sec delay
ASL-0126 Flue Gas Oxygen LOW 4.5% with 2-min delay
3.0% instantaneous
ASH-0703 Flue Gas CO HIGH 112 mg/Nm3 with 2-min delay
180 ng/Nm3 instantaneous
ASH-0709 Flue Gas HCl HIGH 75 mg/Nm3, 1-hour average
150 mg/Nm3 instantaneous
ASL-0711 Combustion Efficiency 99.9% with 2-minute delay
99.8% instantaneous
TSL-TOP Combustor Outlet Temperature 927°C, with 2-minute delay
900°C instantaneous
TSH-TOP Combustor Outlet Temperature 1065°C
TSH-0161 Baghouse Temperature 260°C
RES-TIME Gas Residence Time 1.65 sec with 2-minute delay
1.50 sec instantaneous
WSH-0253 Waste Feedrate 4,000 kg/hr, 1-hour average
4,500 kg/hr instantaneous
DB = Deviation Band alarm. TSCA regulations require that waste feeding be terminated upon failure of a critical
process monitor. Since monitor failure will certainly result in a deviation band alarm, the requirement is satisfied.
Cintec-Tredi's Circulating Fluidised Bed Combustor 3-17
The entire CFBC remains under sub-atmospheric pressure for about 90 seconds as the ID fan
coasts to a stop. Thus there are no fugitive emissions vented to the atmosphere. Note that there is
no emergency stack vent to release any partially-reacted waste products.
At this point, the fluidised bed is a stagnant mass of treated soil and limestone, which maintains
its temperature for several hours. Any waste products in the bed are thus (1) confined to the
stagnant bed, (2) still at combustion temperatures, and (3) exposed to combustion air residing in
the system. They are fully oxidized by the time the ID fan has come to rest.
3.14 CFBC Quality Control
CFBC operations are conducted following written protocols, which include:
• an integrated operating procedure, which described both normal and transient operating
procedures. It also includes checklists for documenting proper system operation.
• written maintenance procedures which define all necessary scheduled maintenance. These
procedures consist of a mixture of pre-formatted checklists for frequent (monthly or oftener)
and individual procedures for less frequent procedures.
• a formal Quality Control Assurance Plan, which defines system calibration requirements.
These protocols are based on several years of field experience treating PCB contaminates and
have proven to be highly effective at efficiently managing CFBC operations.
C-0101 Forced Draft Fan 8,000 Lb/Hr 7,600 Lb/Hr 1
C-0103 Induced Draft Fan 9,100 Lb/Hr 8,900 Lb/Hr 1
C-0104 Loop Seal Fan 300 SCFM 200 SCFM 1
C-0105 Air Blast Fan 15,000 Lb/Hr 10,000 Lb/Hr 1
Y-0101 Stack 18 In-Dia
H-0202 Sorbent Feed System 200 Lb/Hr 100 Lb/Hr 1
Y-0203 Sand Hopper 1,000 Lb 1,000 Lb 1
D-0401,2,4 Combustion Loop/Cyclone 2,000 °F 1,600 °F 1
I-0401,2,4 Refractory Lining 2,000 °F 1,600 °F 1
Y-0401 Air/Gas Distributor 37 Air & Gas Tuyers 1
Y-0601 Burner System 9 MM Btu/Hr 1
Y-0602 Gas Lance System - Liquid Lance Injection System 9 MM Btu/Hr 8 MM Btu/Hr 1
Y-0701 Emission Monitoring Syst. CO, CO2, THC, O2,
NOx, SO2, HCl, Opacity
D-0802 Cross Duct w/Refrac. 2,000 °F 1,600 °F 1
E-0801 Flue Gas Cooler 4-6 MM Btu/Hr 3.5 MM Btu/Hr 1
F-0901 Baghouse 3,000 Lb/Hr 2,000 Lb/Hr 1
Dry scrubbing system comprising:
- Filter module with two (2) baghouses
- Sorbent Silo 35 ton capacity
- Pipe module with 2 reactor chambers
- Activated carbon injection system
Two-stage treatment
with a total 99.75%
efficiency. Operation
Temperature Ranges
266 °F –311 °F
H-1001 Ash Cooler Conveyor 12,000 Lb/Hr 3,000 Lb/Hr 1
H-1004 Ash Screw Conveyor 12,000 Lb/Hr 10,000 Lb/Hr 1
XV-1001 Ash Drain Valve 12,000 Lb/Hr 300 Lb/Hr 2
Y-1101 Control System Distributed Digital 1
D-1301 Coolant Surge Tank 300 PSIG 150 PSIG 1
E-1301 Coolant Heat Exchanger 7.5 MM Btu/Hr 5 MM Btu/Hr 1
P-1301,2 Coolant Pump 190 GPM 160 GPM 2
Y-1301 Compressed Air System 300 SCFM 160 SCFM 1
M-0XXX Fabric Expansion Joints At Large 2
Refractory Ducts
M-OYYY Metal Expansion Joints Air, Ash, Flue Gas Ppg 12
Motor controls Misc. 1 to 150 HP. 20
Valves/Manual All Inclusive 165
Valves/Motor All Inclusive 3
Valves/Control All Inclusive 11
Piping All Greater than 2" All > 2"
Instruments All Inclusive All
Control Room Trailer 8'6"W x 36'6"L 1
Rack Room Trailer 8'6"W x 32'3"L 1
Type V (inclined belt) Feed System 1
Misc. Spares All
**Including all existing hardware and software.
(1)Foregoing capacities for informational purposes only. Seller makes no guarantee that "as is" equipment will achieve
these ratings.
C-0101 Forced Draft Fan Three stage centrifugal, cast iron and steel
C-0103 Induced Draft Fan Five stage centrifugal, cast iron and steel construction
C-0104 Loop Seal Fan Nine stage centrifugal, cast iron and steel construction
C-0105 Air Blast Fan One stage centrifugal, cast iron and aluminum
Y-0101 Stack 18" steel pipe, standard schedule
H-0202 Sorbent Feed System Steel and stainless steel construction
Y-0203 Sand Hopper Steel construction
D-0401,2,4 Combustion Loop/Cyclone 3/8 in. A36 shell with reinforced supports
I-0401,2,4 Refractory Lining 9" insulating brick (Green G-20), 4 ½" hardface (Green
Y-0401 Air/Gas Distributor 310 stainless steel
Y-0601 Burner System Peabody 150 SCFM complete igniting and safety
Y-0602 Gas Lance System Peabody 150 SCFM complete igniting and safety
Y-0701 Emission Monitoring Sys. Complete Beckman CO, CO2, O2, NOx, SO2 integrated
system + HCl and opacimeter
D-0802 Cross Duct w/Refrac. Steel and stainless steel construction
E-0801 Flue Gas Cooler Steel and stainless steel construction
F-0901 Baghouse Steel shell, gore-tex on fibreglass bags
H-1001 Ash Cooler Conveyor Hollow flight water cooled, steel and 310 SS
H-1004 Ash Screw Conveyor Steel and abrasion resistant steel construction
XV-1001 Ash Drain Valve 304 stainless steel
Y-1101 Control System Distributed control, redundant, Rosemount RS-3 or
D-1301 Coolant Surge Tank Steel weldment, ASMC code vessel
E-1301 Coolant Heat Exchanger Finned tube, forced draft fans
P-1301,2 Coolant Pump Stainless steel Ingersolrand or equal
Y-1301 Compressed Air System Two stage rotary, oil free, Atlas-Copco
M-OXXX Fabric Expansion Joints Polyester reinforced neoprene
M-OYYY Metal Expansion Joints 304 SS bellows with abrasion liners
Motor controls Allen Bradley
Valves/Manual Sizes ½ to 8 inches (supply per parts availability)
Valves/Motor Sizes to 12 inches (various suppliers)
Valves/Control Fisher or equivalent
Piping Steel construction
Instruments Various manufacturers, temperature, pressure, etc.
Control Room Trailer Steel, double wall construction
Rack Room Trailer Steel, double wall construction
Type V (inclined belt) Feed System Weigh belt, tramp metal removal magnet, sealing
screw auger feed mechanism
Misc. Spares As available
lunes, 1 de octubre de 2007
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